Looking for a home? You can search almost anything the internet has to offer right here on our website! You can either search yourself or have us personally search for a home, lot, or acreage that matches your criteria at no cost and no obligation.

The first and most important step is to get pre-qualified for a loan/mortgage. It’s very disappointing to fall in love with a home, only to learn that it is way out of your price range.

We’d like to help you out in the initial stages, without pressure or obligation. We can do custom property searches for you, matching detailed search criteria (more detail than be can be entered in the national search databases), and e-mail or text you links to properties that might work for you. These links include photos, descriptions, addresses and driving directions! Spend a couple of weekends on your own doing “drive-bys” of the properties that are most interesting to you, with no pressure from us!

As professional Realtors, we make it our business to be aware of every local home or property on the market. We have direct access to the MLS ® (Multiple Listings Service) and also to every other Realtor® in the area and all of their listings.

Fill out this form to start the process and we will contact you at your convenience.